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The Maternity Rights Clinic offered an opportunity to ask questions and seek free advice with regards to employee rights.
Pregnant then Screwed?! Maternity Rights Clinic
It also provides insight for employers to better support staff. Whether you just want to know a bit more about maternity discrimination and your rights, are reflecting on past employer/employee relationships, or have an ongoing concern, this will be an informative session covering the basics, before tackling some case studies.
If you have experienced pregnancy or maternity discrimination and need advice, this is not to be missed.
Pregnant Then Screwed exists to end the motherhood penalty. They campaign on the many issues which impact working mothers and offer free advice and support to those who face pregnancy or maternity discrimination.
About the facilitators
Danielle is the legal advisor for Pregnant Then Screwed. She manages the advice line. Danielle is mother to two young boys and an employment solicitor, who specialises in pregnancy/maternity and sex discrimination. Whilst on maternity leave with her first child, she was shocked to hear from other new mums about the unfavourable treatment they were being subjected to by their employers, as a result of them having a baby/being on maternity leave. This experience drove Danielle to set up free legal advice clinics for expectant and new mums at various centres across the North West of England and also hold employment law surgeries at Gorvins Solicitors in Stockport.
Dr. Esther McGuinness is a Senior Lecturer in Law at Ulster University, a former Acting Head of the Law School and founder and Co-Director of the Ulster University Law Clinic/Social Justice Hub. She has over 20 years’ experience in employment law. As Co-Director of the multi-award winning, Ulster University Law Clinic, she supervises LLM Access to Justice students in providing pro-bono (free) services to claimants who might otherwise be unrepresented in the areas of social security and employment law. The Clinic has offices in Belfast and Derry.
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